Kubota et ., Emily Kubota, Xiaoqian Yan, X., Tung, S., Fascendini, B., Tyagi, C., Duhameau, S., Ortiz, D., Grotheer, M., Natu, V.S., Keil, B., Grill-Spector, K. (2024). White matter connections of human ventral temporal cortex are organized by cytoarchitecture, eccentricity, and category-selectivity from birth. BioRxiv.
Nordt, M., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Rezai, A.A., Finzi, D., Kular, H., Grill-Spector, K. (2023). Longitudinal development of category representations in ventral temporal cortex predicts word and face recognition. Nature Communications, 14 (1), 8010.
Kubota, E., Grotheer, M., Finzi, D., Natu V.S., Gomez, J., & Grill-Spector, K. (2022). bioRxiv. White matter connections of high-level visual areas predict cytoarchitecture better than category-selectivity. Cerebral Cortex, 33 (6), 2485-2506.
Grotheer, M., Rosenke, M., Wu, H., Kular, H., Querdasi, F.R. Natu, V.S., Yeatman, J.D., Grill-Spector, K. (2022). White matter myelination during early infancy is linked to spatial gradients and myelin content at birth. Nature Communications.
Natu, V.S., Rosenke, M., Querdasi, F.R., Kular, H., Wu, H., Grotheer, M., Berman, S., Mezer, A.A., Grill-Spector, K. (2021). Infants’ cortex undergoes microstructural growth coupled with myelination during development. Nature Communications Biology.
Nordt, M., J Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Rezai, A.A., Finzi, D., Kular, H., Grill-Spector. K. Cortical recycling in high-level visual cortex during childhood development. Nature Human Behavior. doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01141-5.
Natu, V.S., Arcaro, M., Barnett, M., Gomez, J., Jeska, B., Livingstone, M., Grill-Spector, K., & Weiner, K (2020). Sulcal Depth in the Medial Ventral Temporal Cortex Predicts the Location of a Place-Selective Region in Macaques, Children, and Adults. Cerebral Cortex.
Natu, V.S., Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Jeska, B., Kirilina, E., Jaeger, C., Zhen, Z., Cox, S., Weiner, K., Weiskopf, N., & Kalanit Grill-Spector. (2019) Apparent thinning of visual cortex during childhood is associated with myelination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Natu, V.S., Lin, J-J, Burks A., Arora, A., Rugg, M & Lega, B. (2019). Stimulation of the posterior cingulate impairs episodic memory encoding. Journal of Neuroscience.
Hughes, B., Camp, N., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Grill-Spector, K, & Eberhardt, J. (2019). Neural adaptation to faces reveals racial out-group homogeneity effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Gomez, J., Drain, A., Jeska, B., Natu, V.S., Barnett, M., & Grill-Spector, K. (2019) Development of population receptive fields improves spatial coding. NeuroImage, 188, 59-69.
Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Jeska, B., Barnett, M., Grill-Spector, K (2018). Development differentially sculpts population receptive fields across human visual cortex. Nature Communications. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03166-3.
Natu, V.S., Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Jeska, B., Kirilina, E., Jaeger, C., Zhen, Z., Cox, S., Weiner, K., Weiskopf, N., & Kalanit Grill-Spector. (2018). Apparent thinning of visual cortex during childhood is associated with myelination, not pruning. Bioxviv, doi:
Nordt, M., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Jeska, B., Barnett, B., & Grill-Spector, K. (2018). Learning to read increases the informativeness of distributed ventral temporal responses. Cerebral Cortex.
Weiner, K.S., Natu, V.S., & Grill-Spector, KS (2018). On object selectivity and the anatomy of the human fusiform gyrus. NeuroImage. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.02.040.
Grill-Spector, K., Weiner, K.S., Gomez, J., Stigliani, A., Natu V.S. (2018). The functional neuroanatomy of face perception: from brain measurements to deep neural networks. Journal of the Royal Society Interface Focus.
Weiner, K., Barnett, M.A., Witthoft, N., Golarai, G., Stigliani, A., Kay, K.N., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Amunts, K., Zilles, K., Grill-Spector, K (2017). Defining the most probable location of the parahippocampal place area using cortex-based alignment and cross-validation. NeuroImage, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.04.040.
Gomez, J., Michael B., Natu, V.S., Mezer, A., Palomero-Gallagher, N., Weiner, K.S., Amunts, K., Zilles, K., & Grill-Spector, K. (2017). Microstructural proliferation in human cortex is coupled with the development of face processing. Science, 355, 68-71.
Natu, V.S., Barnett, M., Hartley, J., Gomez, J., & Grill-Spector, K. (2016). Development of neural sensitivity to face identity correlates with perceptual discriminability. Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 10893–10907.
Natu,V.S., & O’Toole, A., J. (2015). Spatio-temporal changes in neural response patterns to faces varying in visual familiarity. NeuroImage, 108, 1-11.
Rice, A., Phillips, P. J., Natu, V.S., An, X., & O'Toole, A. J. (2014). Unaware person recognition from the body when face identification fails. Psychological Science, doi: 10.1177/0956797613492986.
O’Toole, A., J, Natu, V.S., An, X., Rice, A., Ryland, J., & Jonathan, P., (2014). The neural representation of faces and bodies in motion and at rest. NeuroImage, 1,1-11.
Norell, K., Läthén, K. B, Bergstrom, K. P., Rice, A., Natu, V.S., O’Toole, A. (2014). The effect of image quality and forensic expertise in facial image comparison. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60, 331–340.
Natu, V.S., & O’Toole, A., J. (2013). Neural perspectives on the other-race effect. Visual Cognition, 21, 1081-1095.
O’Toole, A., J. & Natu, V.S., (2013). Computational perspectives on the other-race effect. Visual Cognition, 9, 1121-1137.
O'Toole, A., J., Xiaobo, A., Dunlop, J. Natu, V.S., Philips, J. (2012). Comparing Face recognition algorithms to humans on challenging tasks, ACM Transactions, 9, doi:10.1145/2355598.2355599.
Natu, V.S., & O'Toole, A.J. (2011). Neural processing of familiar and unfamiliar faces. A review and synopsis. British Journal of Psychology. 102, 726-747.
Natu, V.S., Raboy, D., & O'Toole, A.J. (2011). Neural correlates of own- and other-race face perception: Spatial and temporal response differences. NeuroImage, 54, 2547-2555.
Natu, V.S., Jiang, F., Narvekar, A., Keshwari, S., Volker, B., O'Toole, A.J. (2010). Dissociable neural patterns of facial identity across changes in viewpoint. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 7, 1570-1582.
Prior to 2010:
Polyn, S. M., Natu, V. S., Cohen, J. D., & Norman, K. A. (2005). Category-specific cortical activity precedes recall during memory search. Science, 310, 1963-1966.
Natu, V.S., Mueller, K.M. Jiang, F. & O'Toole, A. (2007). Transfer of adaptation after-effects between simple visual forms and faces. Journal of Vision, 7, 884, doi:10.1167/7.9.884.
Howard, M. W., & Natu, V.S. (2005). Place from time: Reconstructing position from the temporal context model, Neural Networks, 18, 1150-1162.
Conference Presentations
Grill-Spector, K., Natu, V.S., Nordt, M., Kubota, E. Human visual cortex as a window into the developing brain. Series of talks presented at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, Oxford University (2022).
Natu, V.S. Infants’ sensory-motor cortices undergo microstructural tissue growth coupled with myelination. Presented at the Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard University (2022).
Natu, V.S, , Nordt, M., Kubota E., Rezai, A.A., Kular, H., Finzi, D., Gomez, J., Rosenke, M., Wu, H., Querdasi, F., Lopez-Alvarez, N., Grotheer, M., Berman, S., Mezer, A., Grill-Spector, K. Differential development of microstructural properties of human visual cortex from infancy to adulthood. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Glasgow, Scotland (June, 2022).
Natu, V.S. Development of the infant sensory-motor cortex during early days of human life. Presented at the Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Lightening Talks (2021).
Natu, V.S. Development of the infant sensory-motor cortex during early days of human life. Flash talk presented at the Flux Congress (2021).
Natu, V.S, Rosenke M.*, Querdasi, F. R., Kular, H., Wu, H., Grotheer, M., Berman, S., Mezer, A., Grill-Spector, K. Cortex exhibits microstructural tissue growth that proceeds hierarchically within the visual processing streams during the first 6 months of human life. Poster presented at the Flux Congress (2021).
Natu, V.S. Development of unique human skills in a child’s brain Presented at The Dallas Dyslexia Information Group (DDIG) dyslexia support group (2021).
Natu, V.S., Rosenke M.*, Querdasi, F. R., Kular, H., Wu, H., Grotheer, M., Berman, S., Mezer, A., Grill-Spector, K. Cortex exhibits microstructural tissue growth that proceeds hierarchically within the visual processing streams during the first 6 months of human life. Presented at the SfN Global Connectome (2021).
Kubota, E., Grotheer, M., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S, Finzi, D., Rezai, A., Kular, A., Nordt, M., and Grill-Spector, K. Cytoarchitecture, not function, determines a visual region’s connectivity profile in childhood. Presented at the SfN Global Connectome (2021).
Nordt, M., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Rezai, A., Finzi, D., Kular, H., & Grill-Spector, K. Cortical recycling in high-level visual cortex during childhood development. Presented at the SfN Global Connectome (2021).
Grotheer, M., Rosenke, M., Wu, H., Kular, H., Querdasi, F., Natu, V,S., Yeatman, J.R., & Grill-Spector, K. Catch me if you can: Least myelinated white matter bundles develop fastest during early infancy. Presented at the SfN Global Connectome (2021).
Natu, V.S., Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Jeska, B., Kirilina, E., Jaeger, C., Zhen, Z., Cox, S., Weiner, K., & Kalanit Grill-Spector (2019). Cortical thinning of functional regions in the ventral temporal cortex is associated with increased myelination. 49th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, (Oct. 2019).
Natu, V.S., Arcaro, M., Barnett, M., Gomez, J., Livingstone, M., Grill-Spector, K & Weiner, K. The development and evolution of sulcal morphology within place-selective regions in ventral temporal cortex (2019). 25th Annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy (June. 2019).
Finzi, D., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Jeska, B., Barnett, M., & Grill-Spector, K. Differential white matter connections to ventral- and lateral occipito-temporal face-selective regions underlie differences in visual field coverage. 18th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL (May 2019).
Natu, V.S., Lin, J-J, Burks A., Arora, A., Rugg, M & Lega, B. Deep brain stimulation of the human posterior cingulate cortex during episodic memory processing. Talk presented at the 48th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA (2018).
Natu, V.S., Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Jeska, B., Zhen, Z., Kirilina, E., Jaeger, C., Cox, S., Weiner, K.S., Weiskopf, N., & Grill-Spector, K. Developmental Thinning of Functional Regions in the Ventral Temporal Cortex is Associated with Increased Myelination. Talk presented at the 17th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL (2018).
Natu, V.S., Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Jeska, B., Kirilina, E., Jaeger, C., Zhen, Z., Cox, S., Weiner, K., Kalanit Grill-Spector. Cortical thinning of functional regions in the ventral temporal cortex is associated with increased myelination. 47th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, (Nov. 2017).
Zhen, Z., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Barnett, M., Jeska, B., Weiner, K., & Grill-Spector, K. Microstructural development of vertical connection impacts functional selectivity in face and reading networks. 47th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, (Nov. 2017).
Germi, J., Natu, V.S., Stein, Joel, J., Rizzuto, D., Kahana, M., & Lega, B. Patterns of directed connectivity during episoidic memory encoding and retrieval. 47th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, (Nov. 2017).
Natu, V.S. Development of neural mechanisms underlying face recognition ability. Talk presented at University of Nevada, Reno, NV. (2017).
Natu, V.S., Barnett, M., Hartley, J., Gomez, J., & Grill-Spector, K. Development of neural sensitivity to face identity correlates with perceptual discriminability. Talk presented at Society for Research in Child Development, Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX. (2017).
Natu, V.S., Barnett, M., Hartley, J., Gomez, J., & Grill-Spector, K. Development of neural sensitivity to face identity correlates with perceptual discriminability. Talk presented at the 16th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. (2017).
Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Jeska, B., Barnett, M., Grill-Spector, K. Development differentially sculpts population receptive fields across human visual cortex. 47th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, (Nov. 2017).
Weiner, K., Barnett, M.A., Witthoft, N., Golarai, G., Stigliani, A., Kay, K.N., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Amunts, K., Zilles, K., Grill-Spector, K. Defining the most probable location of the parahippocampal place area using cortex-based alignment and cross-validation. 47th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, (Nov. 2017).
Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Jeska, B., Barnett, M., Grill-Spector, K. Development differentially sculpts population receptive fields across human visual cortex, 16th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL (May 2017).
Barnett, M., Weiner, K., Guntupalli., J, S., Gomez, J., Natu, V.S., Stigliani, A., & Grill-Spector, K. Probabilistic Atlas of Category-Selective Regions of Ventral Temporal Cortex. 15th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL (May 2016).
Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Natu, V.S., Mezer, A., Weiner, K., Amunts, K., Zilles., K & Grill-Spector, K. Macromolecular proliferation in human high-level visual cortex constrains development of function and behavior. 15th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL (May 2016).
Natu, V.S., Barnett, M., Hartley, J., Gomez, J., & Grill-Spector, K. Development of neural sensitivity to face identity correlates with perceptual discriminability. Talk presented at the 46th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Natu, V.S., Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Stigliani, A., Grill-Spector, K. & Weiner, K. Sulcal pits differentially contribute to the development of functional regions in high- level visual cortex. 45th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, (Oct. 2015).
Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Natu, V.S., Weiner, K., Mezer, A., Grill-Spector, K. Macromolecular tissue properties of the human high-level visual cortex develop with age and may shape cortical function. 45th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, (Oct 2015)
Natu, V.S., Barnett, M., Gomez, J., & Kalanit Grill-Spector. Developmental changes in cortical thickness in visual areas and their relation to face memory. Annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Oahu, HI, (June 2015).
Gomez, J., Barnett, M., Natu, V.S., Mezer, A., Grill-Spector, K. Macromolecular tissue properties of the human high-level visual cortex develop with age and may shape cortical function. Annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Oahu, HI, (June 2015).
Natu, V.S., Barnett, M., Hartley, J., Gomez, J., & Grill-Spector, K. Neural discriminability for face identity improves from childhood to adulthood. 15th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL (May 2015).
Natu V.S., Hartley, J., Barnett, M., & Grill-Spector, K. Mapping the development of perceptual discrimination ability for faces in children and adults. RESUS Repetition Suppression Summer School, Jena, Germany (Aug 2014).
Natu V.S., & O'Toole, A. Spatial and temporal characteristics of the neural representation of face familiarity. 20th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA (Mar 2013).
Rice, A., Phillips, J., Natu, V.S., An, X., & Toole, A. Unconscious use of the body in identifying the face. 12th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL (May 2012).
O'Toole, A., Natu, V.S., Rice, A., Jonathan, P., & An, X. A pattern classification approach to discriminating neural responses to faces and bodies in motion. 12th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL (May 2011).
Natu V.S., & O'Toole, A. Spatial and temporal characteristics of the neural representation of face familiarity. Journal of Vision. 12th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL (May 2012).
Natu, V.S. Neural representations of face identity, race, and familiarity. Talk presented at Stanford University, Psychology Department, Stanford, CA. (2012).
Natu, V.S. Understanding neural representations of facial identity, race, and viewpoint: Constraining the neural with the perceptual. Talk presented at the Center of Vital Longevity, The University of Texas of Dallas. (2012).
Natu, V.S. Neural basis of face familiarity. Talk presented at the Face Memory and Deception Detection Workshop, Arlington. Washington D.C (2011).
O'Toole, A., Phillips, J., Dunlop, J., An, X., Weimer, S., & Natu, V.S. Identifying faces across large changes in illumination: Human versus machine performance. 11th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL (May 2011).
Raboy, D., Sekunova, A., Scheel, M., Natu, V.S., Weimer, S., Duchaine, B., Barton, J., & O'Toole, A. Recognition of static versus dynamic faces in prosopagnosia. 10th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL (May 2010).
Natu, V.S., Raboy, D., & O'Toole, A. Differential spatial and temporal neural response patterns for own- and other-race faces. 10th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL (May 2010).
Natu, V.S., Wolfe, C., Jain, J., & O'Toole, A.J. Dissociable neural responses for Caucasian versus Asian faces using a pattern-classification approach. Talk presented at the Press Conference at 40th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Natu, V.S., Jiang, F., Narvekar, A., Keshvari, S., & O'Toole, A. Dissociable representations of view-invariant facial identity in the ventral temporal cortex. 38th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC (Nov 2008).
Natu, V.S., Jiang, F., Narvekar, A., Keshvari, S., & O'Toole, A. Representations of facial identity over changes in viewpoint. 8th Annual meeting of Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL (May 2008).
Detre, G., Polyn, S.M., Moore, C.D., Natu, V.S., Singer, B.D., Cohen, J.D., Haxby, J.V., Norman, K.A. The Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis (MVPA) toolbox. 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (June 2006).
Detre, G., Natu, V.S., Schneider, K., DeSimone, K., Kastner, S, Norman, K.A. Reading out the location being stored in spatial working memory with fMRI. 35th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC (Nov 2005).
Polyn, S., Detre, G., Takerkart, S., Natu, V.S., Benharrosh, M., Singer, B., Cohen, J., Haxby, J., Norman, K. A Matlab-based toolbox to facilitate multi-voxel pattern classification of fMRI data. 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Canada, (June 2005).
Howard, M. W., Natu, V.S., & Fotedar, M. S. Positional reconstruction from a distributed representation of recent trajectory, 34th Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, (Nov 2004).